I am a work at home mother of 2 soon to be 3. I spend my days working and with my children. I am very happy to be able to earn some money and still get to spend time with them. Although, that will soon be ending with my oldest because he starts school next month :( It will be very hard to be without him during the day, but luckily I will be home for sick days and any problems at school.
As for working, I am a part-time VA ( 20 hours per week) as well as a freelance writer among other things. My favorite place to write is for Textbroker, and I pick up 2-3 articles per day on average depending on how motivated I am. Which honestly isn't so often. In addition to those two things, I occasionally work extra side "eggs".
When I am not working or being a mother, I like to read and play video games with my husband. I have recently discovered that I can borrow ebooks from the library and read a new book every 2 days or so (Yes, I stay up way too late reading). Currently I am reading material by John Saul. I think Shadows would make a great movie. I explained what it was about to my husband and he agreed with me.
As for games, currently my husband and I play WoW. I have a couple of level 85's, but prefer to spend my time fishing and PvPing. Fishing is relaxing and PvP is just fun!. Before WoW, I was very into Final Fantasy XI, but the game started dying, friends started leaving, and it was hard to find time to be on it. Much more intensive than WoW. However, I sure do miss my little puppet (I was a Puppetmaster). Oh my Nutcracker, how I miss you.
In addition to marking my experiences on working from home, I will also add random posts about whatever. Maybe a new recipe I found or something cool I'm thinking of purchasing (should money allow). Right now I have baby stuff on the mind and may just list out what I plan to buy for my new little guy.
Anyways, below is a link to my Associated Content page so you can see some of my articles. They aren't that great, but they are something that I turned out in like 10 min, trying to see what the revenue is like from AC before I devote writing some of my better work to them.
My Associated Content Page