Thursday, August 11, 2011

Update on the month of August

So far, August has been going pretty well for me. 11 days into the month and I am almost halfway to my goal. I would be a bit farther, but I cam down with a stomach flu which left me too sick to complete any of my extra work. I am really disappointed about that because I was going to use the money from it to buy a few more baby items I need. Oh well, I will just have to try to make up for it later.

I have been enjoying doing Postloop. I am making about $5 every few days posting on about 5 different forums. So far this month, I have made $15 with them. It's not a whole lot I know, but every little bit helps. I only post in forums that I have an interest in and the posts come naturally. Due to some anxiety issues, it's hard for me to be active in forums, so this is nice practice as well.

On to other things... I have almost reach enough to cash out on Slice The Pie. It's been awhile since I joined, and still haven't made the minimum to payout, which is $10. This is mainly due to the fact that it is hard to find time to listen to the music without having a kid or husband make me take my headphones off. I need the headphones on so I can listen to the music properly and make genuine comments about the songs. Hopefully I should have an update and payment proof for them in the next few days. I think I am around $1 short, which due to fluctuating scout ratings will be anywhere from 10-20 songs.

So, that is my month so far. I will update again with anything new later on in this month.

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